Ekerenyo Amani Health Centre had its ground breaking in 2018 and grand opening in February 2022. It is now registered as a Level 3b health care facility.
Teams have been traveling twice a year for 14 years to Ekerenyo, Kenya, to work at Amani Centre. Made up of people throughout the U.S., these teams held medical/dental/eye camps inside the Amani Learning Centre for thousands of villagers from the surrounding area for the first 12 years, since 2010.
The new Health Centre now provides for continuous healthcare in the community when our teams aren’t there. The goal of the new building is to increase healthcare accessibility and boost the economy while employing local Kenyans.
Our staff in Kenya now includes a full time Clinical Officer, Nurse, Accountant, Security man, Librarian, and Custodian. We also employ a part time Ophthalmologist, Lab Technician, and Dentist.
We have been admitted into the Christian Health Association of Kenya and are members of the newly formed government Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF).