“Green Hill Amani Academy”

The Green Hill Amani School is a project we were made aware of  in February, 2022, just up the hill behind Amani Health Centre.  We found a school that had been built in around 2009, and that had fallen into disrepair because of lack of funding.

Windows were broken, walls were dirty, there was only one teacher with a class of 30 children ages 4-8. There were no teaching supplies, food or water.

Between February and May, 2022 with Amani Partners Kenya support, walls and roof were painted, new windows installed, more teachers hired, water and food are now made available to the children. There is a photo copy machine.

Original Broken Windows Leaky Roof
New Benches Being Built
Repaired Windows & Roof, Painted
Classroom Early 2022
Classroom Fall 2022

At start of 2022/2023 school year there are now 5 excellent new teachers and 62 children, a cook/helper, a night watchman.

All donations to the Green Hill Amani School in 2022 will go towards the salaries for 6 teachers,1 night watchman, food for the children, and school supplies.


In 2023 we are planning to build a new kitchen, a shaded eating area, 3 new classrooms, and a teachers’ office. Special donations can be made to these projects.

Current School Kitchen